(For PG of 2014) Tasks in the 5th semester


Dear all, in this semester, you need do the tasks as following:


1.Make up the Teaching Plan. Use Table 1, or you can use the PG system.

TABLE1 培养计划(Teaching Plan).doc


2.Finish the Clinical Rotation (Within the discipline),use TABLE 2 or TABLE 3(According to your specialty.)

Table 2.(Clinical Training Handbook)临床技能训练记录及考核手册——临床学科.doc

Table 3.(Clinical Trainng Hangbook of Specialty of Imaging)临床技能训练记录及考核手册——影像学.doc

3.Tidy your Research Recording

(1)If you're still doing researching, you can use the PG system, then it will be printed out in standard form. In case of system broken,please print out the research result in time,otherwise you will shoulder the responsiblity by yourself.

(2)Beacause the PG system will add the time automatically, your previous reseaching recordings cannot be made up in the system. Use research recording notebook(the brown cover)please. You can ask for extra ones from Teaching Affair Office, SIE.


TIPS: How to use the PG system? Please click here.(http://sie.njmu.edu.cn/s/135/t/336/e0/24/info57380.htm)